
The Green Party NI stands for a Just Transition where no-one is left behind. Tackling climate change must go hand in hand with tackling inequality and strengthening workers’ rights and opportunity. The Green Party NI will ensure that Northern Ireland maximises every opportunity from its unique position following the UK’s exit from the EU.

It’s time to guarantee protections for workers whose industries are set to change in response to the climate crisis. It’s time to improve conditions for workers through flexible working patterns and increased working from home. It’s time to recognise the caring economy.

The Green Party NI will:

  • Introduce a properly calculated living wage, as outlined by the Living Wage Foundation.
  • Support the reintroduction of the Universal Credit uplift and ensure that those remaining on older benefits are not left behind.
  • Roll out a four-day week for public sector workers.
  • Introduce a Basic Income pilot for young people leaving care, paid for by lifting the rates cap.
  • Ensure that we will no longer face “cliff edges” every few years with respect to welfare reform mitigations.
  • End labour exploitation by ensuring that all migrant workers can access support agencies. Support lifting the ban on asylum seekers working in Northern Ireland.
  • Continue to oppose “zero-hours” contracts and any push to move workers into the self-employed category in order to avoid employer responsibilities.
  • Ban fire-and-rehire practices and ensure there are repercussions for employers who engage in such practices.
  • Support and strengthen trade unions and the right to collective bargaining. Support the reform of anti-union legislation.
  • Increase funding for proper skills training and paid apprenticeships across industries. Create targets for paid apprenticeships to ensure gender balance. Work to address barriers to access, such as childcare and transport.
  • Promote and encourage employers to implement family- and carer-friendly working policies such as childcare leave, working from home, the right to switch off outside working hours, a day-one right to sick pay, maternity leave, shared parental leave, and paid family leave across all sectors.
  • Introduce a full childcare strategy that will meet the needs of working parents.
  • Continue to oppose cutting Corporation Tax below the UK-wide rate. Support more progressive forms of taxation.