
The Green Party NI has secured Northern Ireland’s first ever climate change legislation.

The Green Party NI’s leadership has ensured that the Climate Change Bill contains a net-zero target, an independent Climate Commissioner, soil and biodiversity targets, and a just transition. We have also ensured that the Bill is one of the first ever pieces of gender-proofed climate legislation in the world. The Bill sets out ambition beyond anything Northern Ireland has seen before. We must make rapid progress this decade. It’s time to deliver what Stormont has committed to.

The transition to net-zero will unlock opportunities for everyone across Northern Ireland. A Just Transition will require the transformation of our economy to build a fairer society. It’s time to invest in high-quality jobs, housing and public services. It’s time to bring power back to the people most affected by pollution and inequality. It’s time to build wealth in our communities.

Real climate action will create a better and fairer society for all. It’s time for a Green New Deal.