Green Party welcome rejection of UUP anti-trans motion

Green Party Councillor Anthony Flynn said “I am glad that today's stunt by the Ulster Unionist Party has rightly failed to gain any traction in the assembly. The motion put forward by Doug Beattie in relation to Trans prisoners in the prison system is a distraction technique. LGBTQ people have been promised a strategy to address the inequalities our community faces since 2007. After 18 years we are still waiting. Progress on LGBTQ equality has come through the courts or the UK Government rather than our own local Assembly.”

Councillor Flynn continued “LGBTQ people experience hate crime, significant health inequalities in terms of mental health, sexual health, substance use, risk of homelessness and these inequalities are made worse by intolerance and inequality. That’s what the Assembly should be addressing, not stoking up culture wars for cheap politicking.”