Green Party NI representatives for Bangor and North have welcomed the Infrastructure Minister’s decision today not to call in the Queen's Parade development application, something that your Green Party NI representatives have been lobbying on for months.
Rachel Woods MLA said: “Bangor been waiting for decade for the development and regeneration of Queens Parade. Further delay on decision making was unacceptable. Bangor has waited long enough.
“It's been over a year since Ards and North Down Borough Council approved the current plans, and £10m of public money has already been spent in preparation, but I am glad that this decision has been taken today, and that regeneration of our town and seafront can progress.”
Bangor Central Councillor Stephen Dunlop said: "Bangor town centre is undergoing structural change that is of generational significance and long overdue. It is on the cusp of becoming the smartest seaside town and this decision today by the Infrastructure Minister will ensure the long awaited development by Bangor Marine will happen."