Green Party NI Councillors in Ards and North Down have secured the passage of a motion calling for greater transparency in respect of tree protection and works to protected trees.
Green Party NI Cllr for Holywood and Clandeboye, Lauren Kendall, said: "Tree protection is vitally important, especially amidst climate breakdown, when we must make every effort to preserve our environment.
"Recent tree felling in Stranmillis and Stormont have left people stunned and saddened. I don’t want to see similar scenes in Ards and North Down. The Council must reflect the views of our residents in recognising the importance of trees, and the many benefits they afford us including amenity, air quality, environment and habitats."
Green Party NI Cllr for Bangor West, Barry McKee, said: “It is important to uphold residents' rights to environmental information and to support their efforts to protect their trees, wherever possible. We must be open and transparent with regards to works to trees by making information readily available to citizens, particularly in respect of works to protected trees.”