Green pressure forces Muir to move on pollution fines - Cllr Smyth

Green Party Cllr Brian Smyth, who gained support at Belfast City Council for the reinstatement of heavier financial penalties for persistent agricultural pollution, has today welcomed the change of policy by DAERA Minister Andrew Muir on the issue.
Cllr Smyth said “It was only 2 weeks ago that Minister Muir said he had no plans to reverse Edwin Poots’ decision to reduce the sanctions imposed on farmers who pollute. Due to pressure from the Green Party, environmental activists and the wider public concerned about water pollution, Minister Muir has changed tack.”
Cllr Smyth continued “Whilst this is a welcome first step by the Minister, there are wider issues at play here. The Executive unanimously pushed through the Going for Growth Strategy, which incentivises industrialised and unsustainable factory farming, polluting our soil, water and air. We see the disaster of Lough Neagh which provides forty percent of the drinking water in Northern Ireland. This is directly caused by the policy decisions, poor governance and disinterest in environmental matters of these executive parties.
"There can be no compromise with the quality of our drinking water."