Green Party Councillor calls on Education Minister to reconsider his block on Integrated Education in North Down

After parents of Bangor Academy and Rathmore Primary School demonstrated overwhelming support for the schools to pursue Integrated status, they have now been informed the proposals have been rejected.

Cllr Barry McKee said “I am really disappointed by the decisions of the Education Minster", adding "a great opportunity for much needed integrated education to be provided for children of all ages in North Down has been lost,"

“The Minister must reconsider this wrong decision. His reasoning for doing so could only be described as spurious at best and will provide little comfort for the school communities that are angry about these decisions."

Cllr Barry McKee concluded "Integrated Education is an important part of the peace building process in our divided society. Increasing access to more opportunities for children from different backgrounds to be educated together has made slow progress and regressive steps like this taken by the DUP Minister are unwelcome."