Green Party NI Leader Clare Bailey MLA has welcomed the passage of the Climate Change Bill at its Final Stage in the Assembly today.
The South Belfast MLA said: “Northern Ireland will no longer be the only part of Western Europe without climate legislation.
“The Green Party NI has secured the passage of 12 amendments to transform this Bill, including the inclusion of a net-zero emissions target. Other Green amendments include an independent Climate Commissioner, soil quality and biodiversity targets, Just Transition principles and a bespoke Just Transition Fund for Agriculture.
“The Bill is not everything that we wanted, but it is an important first step which we need to keep building on. What we need to see now from the NI Assembly, from every Department and from every political party is the bravery to step up and put the policies in place that will secure a sustainable future in which the people of Northern Ireland can thrive.
“The climate crisis is the biggest crisis facing humanity and our planet. We need to play our part, and with this legislation, we now have the building blocks to start moving forward.”