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Green Party Leader reacts to a returned Executive
February 03, 2024
Green Party Leader reacts to a returned Executive
Mal O'Hara said “Today is a very welcome return for a new Executive in Northern Ireland. The significance of this moment for nationalists and republicans can not go unacknowledged and I wish the First and Deputy First Ministers good luck in their new roles. This moment crystalises us as a collection of minorities. I sincerely hope that we see governance underpinned by respect for all.”
Mal O’Hara continued “There is much work for the incoming Ministers. A fair deal for Public sector workers, investing in and delivering world class public services, addressing Northern Ireland’s shameful environmental record and the housing crises are key pressing priorities. Much damage has been done with the absence of an Executive in five of the last seven years. I genuinely hope that this will be a new departure in stable and good governance for Northern Ireland.
This is the first Assembly without Green MLAs since 2007 and I have no doubt the assembly will be weaker for it. Our record of delivering life changing legislation, improving how departments work together and scrutinising decisions stands for itself. While we won't be physically in the chamber for now, we will be watching and ensuring to keep the feet to the fire of those that have promised prosperity and social and environmental justice.”
Green Party Leader reacts to a returned Executive