Green Party NI stand in solidarity with NI strikes today
Members of the Green Party in Northern Ireland have stood in solidarity with striking workers and unions across NI on the biggest day of industrial action seen in decades.
Councillor Barry McKee, Bangor West representative joined with workers on strike on Thursday 18th January in Bangor outside the Department of Education Rathgael House in Bangor.
He said, “The Green Party NI stands in solidarity with workers across the country who are being forced to take industrial action the week. It is great to see such support for those on strike, who have not taken this decision lightly.
“In the midst of a cost-of-living crisis, it is vital that all workers are paid fairly for their labour, and it is disappointing that workers pay is being left behind in Northern Ireland, and are being forced to take strike action as a last resort to fight for a fair pay rise.
“As Greens, we will always stand with workers and support them in industrial action. We urge the Secretary of State Chris Heaton-Harris to do the right thing and stop using workers as pawns in his failed political strategy."
Green Party NI leader Mal O'Hara joined Cllr Aine Groogan, Cllr Brian Smyth, Young Greens members, South and East Belfast and North Down members at City Hall. North Coast Greens members joined the rally at Guildhall, Derry and East Belfast out in Portadown.