Election gives voters the opportunity to vote for real climate action with the Greens
Green Party NI leader Mal O'Hara has welcomed the Prime Minister calling a General Election for 4th July 2024.
Senator O'Hara said "After 14 years of Tory rule, which has been dominated by reckless Tory austerity, the dismantling of our vital public services and rolling back on green and environmental commitments, the public are ready to consign this rancid government to the dustbin of history."
"As Greens we will offer a programme around building a new green economy based on reducing bills, creating new jobs and apprenticeships and giving people back a sense of hope, fairness and transparency in politics. We will also highlight the continued failure of the current executive parties to get to grips with governing Northern Ireland and delivering on their committments."
"Voters will be given a choice between real climate action with the Greens, or climate dodging with the executive parties."
Press enquiries - Mal O'Hara on 07540790663